Thursday, April 23, 2009


A hand full of fans have come together to put this group out in the open to help support Actress JaNae Armogan in getting a role in Stephenie Meyer novel’s “Eclipse and Breaking Dawn”, in recent readings JaNae has said “trying to get in contact with Ms Meyer personally is almost next to impossible but I’m the type of person that believes there’s always another way.” That's where we the fans come in. We have put together this petition and are passing it around in hopes that other people as well as her fans can help get the attention as well as the exposure she needs to get this part. The character’s name is “Leah Clearwaters” for people that haven’t read the book she is the female Shape Shifter and Seth’s older protective sister who is introduce in the third novel “Eclipse”. “I admire her strength,” JaNae says; “to be able to watch the man she loves (Sam) love someone else and still manages to have enough binding force to face him and protect her brother and family. I marvel over how she intimidates her pack but they still love and respect her no matter what. Even though her and Jacob don’t get along most of the time they still have a connection and can put there pettiness aside and be there for each other, she’s underestimated because she's petite and a female, that I can really relate too.” By reading this it gave me the impression that she became this character, I have seen some of her work and watch her in interviews, she strikes me as a very passionate person on and off screen. I’m reading the novel “Breaking Dawn” now and her face is the only face I see for Leah. So help me introduce this young lady to the world, I know I speak for all her fans we I say we would love to see her play this character. All you have to do is join this group and send this group around and have your friends and your friend’s friends join, the more we get the better, these people in the business know that the fans hold the key, they do what the fans request because it is the fans that are spending the dollar so please help me help JaNae Armogan have the opportunity to embrace this saga and become Leah.

More info at:




  1. these are great articles, I really hope she get's this role, she would play a great wolf.

  2. STUNNING she would play a great Leah Clearwater
